Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Gambar-gambar menggembirakan warga Matang, Kuching. Perasmian pembinaan Jalan 4 lorong Emart - Stapok/ Batu Kawa.

Majlis Pelancaran Pembinaan Jalan Empat Lorong Dari E Mart Matang ke Stapok/Batu Kawa Kuching, Sarawak telah dirasmikan oleh YAB Ketua Menteri di Matang Jaya petang tadi.

Pembinaan jalanraya 4 lorong, 2 hala ini menggunakan piawaian jalan JKR u5 bermula daripada bulatan sedia ada di E Mart, menghubung kembali ke pusat Bandaraya Kuching melalui Jalan Stapok dengan jumlah panjang jalan sejauh kira-kira 4.4 kilometer.

Projek yang dianggarkan menelan belanja sekitar RM120 Juta ini dijangka siap pada penghujung 2017. JKR telah diberikan tanggungjawab untuk memantau perlaksanaan projek ini.

Sementara itu, pembinaan jambatan kedua daripada Petra Jaya ke Kuching melalui Stapok akan dibina bagi tujuan laluan ini dan mempunyai panjang 310 meter.

Ilustrasi seperti di bawah,

Tujuan utama projek ini adalah untuk menampung peningkatan jumlah trafik yang semakin pesat di Bandaraya Kuching dan menyediakan akses aliran trafik yang lebih lancar terutama di Matang Jaya, Petra Jaya dan kawasan sekitar yang semakin sesak terutama pada waktu puncak ketika musim persekolahan.

Jalan 4 lorong ini akan menjadi laluan alternatif bagi para pengguna mengurangkan kesesakan untuk ke pusat Bandaraya. Ia juga akan menjadi penghubung utama bagi penduduk daripada Batu Kawa untuk ke MetroCity, bandar satelit utama di Petra Jaya.

Antara yang turut hadir bersama Ketua Menteri Sarawak ialah,

  • ADUN N6 Tupong - YB Datuk Daud Abd Rahman, 
  • Ahli Parlimen Petra Jaya merangkap Menteri Kerja Raya - YB Datuk Hj Fadillah Yusof, 
  • ADUN N7 Samariang - Hajah Sharifah Hasidah, 
  • Menteri Kemajuan Tanah Sarawak - Dato Sri Michael Manyin anak Jawong, 
  • Menteri Pembangunan Infrastruktur dan Perhubungan Sarawak - Datuk Dr Stephen Rundi anak Utom, 
  • Menteri Muda Kemudahan Awam Sarawak - Datuk Haji Md Yahaya Bin Basimin Setiausaha Persekutuan Sarawak.dan 
  • Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr James Masing.

Di bawah adalah gambar-gambar perasmian yang diambil petang tadi.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Sarawak keluar Malaysia? Buat pelampau IS4S dan SSKM...

Haruskah Sarawak kekal dalam Malaysia?

Berikut adalah pandangan Leng Teck Chiang yang penulis petik daripada laman facebook beliau. Bagi segelintir pembangkang, mencadangkan sesuatu yang tidak masuk akal seperti Sarawak berdiri sebagai sebuah negara bunyinya seakan-akan menguntungkan rakyat negeri ini. Hakikatnya begitu banyak implikasi dan kesan negatif yang perlu difikirkan sebelum menyokong idea yang tidak cerdik seperti ini.

Semoga pandangan Leng Teck Chiang menjadi sumber kepada golongan fanatik SSKM (Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia) dan IS4S (Independent Sarawak for Sarawakian) untuk mendapat gambaran apa yang mungkin akan berlaku sekiranya Sarawak keluar daripada gabungan Persekutuan Malaysia.

Should Sarawak remain in Malaysia? 

PR supporters has been twisting Sarawak CM - Sarawak for Sarawakians into one of Independent Sarawak type of Sarawak for sarawakians.

Their reason for doing this is purely for the interest of their Semenanjung masters. If Sarawak is out from Malaysia than maybe PR can finally take over Putrajaya next GE.

But is it beneficial for Sarawak to withdraw from Malaysia like Singapore?? For me its not beneficial for the reasons below:-

1)  Singapore is strategically located thus it can survive as a port city but even that they are struggling as competing with Malaysia thus they trying tourism and also casino. Sarawak sadly is not strategically located. And also remember its land mass is small compare to Sarawak that is almost the size of semenanjung.
2)   If Sarawak where to withdraw from Malaysia its economical growth will come to a complete stand still for the next 30 to 50 years. Why? Because hospitals,schools,govt agencies,polis, army, infrastructural developments and maintain it all will come under Sarawak alone. The human resource, the training, new currency, international recognition, passport acceptance. As a lot of this is currently maintained by federal.
3)   Those for sarawak withdrawal quoted sarawak natural resources, a lot of coutry has even more resources but also remain even worst off than malaysia. Take fuel for example, would and extra 95% enable sarawak to maintain itself and developed itself?how much fuel resource is still available? 
How many years it can sustain? 
Remember the amount of things that is currently under federal, rm1 hospitals, medicines, army, polis, roads and government agencies, SRK,SMK, scholarships and study loans.by being independent you would need a new admin infra, new international airport, your own airlines even. Not to mention your army and polis hardware, the cars,bikes,tanks,weapons,fighter jet,helicopter. Also suddenly there wont be any federal grants.

4)    If sarawak where to withdraw from Malaysia not only it would financially drained but even its cheap electricity may need to be increased as the country now needs the income. And not forgetting fuel price may drop, forest cant be cut anyhow.as sarawak has alot of national parks and forest reserve.international lobby group also wont allow you to cut your trees. Sarawak maybe out from malaysia but would it get out from FDI that will control everything here because suddenly we need investors. This FDI would include malaysians as they are now foreign country.
5)    For a country to have strong currentcies it would need a large reserve and also economic infra and so on. Sarawak currently infra is still way behind. Economy would also need to rely on just fuel, that even may not be enough. How about food and manufacturing sector? We are also not able to sustain that thus need to import. With a weak currency is it viable?
6)    Infrastructral wise, telco company. Internet, roads, ports,airports. All this suddenly all need to be build this and maintain existing ones.
7)    Kuching was way behind pontianak years back, but since Sarawak join malaysia it has overtaken pontianak in terms of development and so on.
8)    Universities, currently Sarawak only have unimas, and 2 private overseas universities in Sarawak which was brought in by bn sarawak. 
Would this be able to sustain sarawakians education? Would the chinese independent school be able to sustain itself?? Dont even talk about UEC recognition but can it stay open just to give education???

9)    How many doctors are sarawakians and in how many fields, would they be able to run the hospitals?? Without army and polis personal from semenanjung and sabah would sarawakians be able to fill up all that empty place?? Would the army be able to keep sarawak safe from intruders??? Would they have the hardware needed?
10)   Without own national airlines would sarawak be able to build on its tourism sector? Would security suddenly become a concern and thus turn off tourist? Would the current tourism industry earn as much with lower currency value of new Sarawak currency??
11)   An independent Sarawak would just set Sarawak into an frozen time zone and turn it into a 3rd world country. Is this beneficial to sarawakians? Or are you sabotaging Sarawak??
12)   Isn't it easier to bring sarawak forward under malaysia? Isnt it more beneficial to sarawakians? Wont it be easier to just say no to semenanjung based political party?? Dap,pas,pkr included?? Hasnt bn sarawak always managed to protect sarawak?? This is the actual call of the cm of sarawak.
13)    If not for bn sarawak but if its under PR maybe even hudud would be implemented in sarawak. As pr sarawak has shown it dare not speak up againts its semenanjung masters. Dont forget PR held states are doing badly now. Dont be fooled by simple drama and sweet empty promises.
14)   Selangor has water issues, denggi issues, raise in license fee and quit rent. FDI drop.
Penang also has increased its water tariff 3 times, and soon the 4th time by another 16%. Parking collection till midnight, car clamping where you need to pay on the stop, if its towed you need to pay towing fee even. License fee up, quit rent up, rentals fees of stalls also up. 

Selling of states prime lands where 12% of 16% prime land have been sold off. But no land for chinese schools. Deficit budget, increased in administration cost.undersea tunnel issue.40 words ban.FDI drop from 1st to 7th. Hotel bed TAX. 1st islamic hospital soon even.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Gambar Flat kediaman yang runtuh di Sibu - Sabtu 11 April 2015

Bangunan Flat kediaman jenis kekal 4 tingkat runtuh sebahagian di HDC Terace Garden, Jalan Sibu Jaya, Sibu. Kejadian berlaku kira kira jam 2.45 pagi semalam 11.04.2015 (Sabtu).

Ketika kejadian, kebanyakan penghuni sedang nyenyak tidur. Tiga buah unit rumah didapati telah terjejas teruk. Seramai 11 orang mangsa dalam kejadian ini, 3 lelaki 8 perempuan.

Kesemua mangsa telah pun dihantar oleh orang awam ke Hospital Sibu. Pasukan Bomba diketuai oleh TPgB Mutalif bin Jaafar, Komander OPerasi Kanan PgKBI Abdul Mutalif bin Rashid mengarahkan semua penghuni flat untuk mengosongkan kediaman masing-masing dan mengumpul segala maklumat kejadian dari penghuni flat berkenaan.

Difahamkan kejadian berpunca daripada letupan gas. Bagaimanapun punca sebenar kejadian masih lagi dalam siasatan. Syukur tidak ada melibatkan kehilangan jiwa.

Runtuhan Dinding Flat Di Sibu Jaya Akibat Letupan Gas - Mstar

SIBU: Kejadian runtuhan dinding pada sebuat flat tiga tingkat di HDC Terrace Garden di Sibu Jaya awal pagi Sabtu dipercayai disebabkan letupan gas di sebuah unit.

Kejadian dipercayai berlaku di Blok D yang menyebabkan tiga unit rumah rosak teruk.

"Seorang mangsa Sng Nic Eng melecur 52 peratus dan dia dijangka akan dipindahkan dari Hospital Sibu ke Hospital Umum Sarawak di Kuching," kata Ketua Balai Bomba dan Penyelamat Sibu, Mutalib Jaafar.

Mangsa dikatakan baharu pulang dari Hospital Sibu setelah menjalani rawatan telinga.

"Mangsa telah memberitahu anaknya supaya berada di dalam kereta apabila mereka tercium bau gas dan apabila mangsa memeriksa rumahnya di tingkat bawah, berlaku letupan kuat," kata Mutalib.

Namun mangsa dilapor sempat keluar dari rumahnya selepas letupan dan dibawa anaknya ke hospital.

Sepuluh penghuni lain termasuk seorang bayi berusia 27 hari turut dihantar ke hospital.

Kejadian turut menyebabkan dinding sebuah lagi unit di tingkat satu runtuh.

Mutalib berkata pihaknya telah mengarahkan penghuni 80 unit rumah di dua blok flat terlibat supaya mengosongkan unit mereka dan mereka kini ditempatkan di Dewan Serbaguna Sibu Jaya dan Dewan Polis Sibu Jaya.

Pihak Jabatan Kerja Raya telah dihubungi bagi memastikan keselamatan blok.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Gambar-gambar terkini projek rumah moden mangsa banjir Pahang dan Kelantan - Sumber JKR

Usaha JKR dalam projek-projek pembinaan rumah bagi menggantikan rumah-rumah yang terjejas teruk akibat bencana banjir pada tahun lepas menunjukkan kesungguhan kerajaan persekutuan untuk mengurangkan keperitan yang dihadapi rakyat.

Dalam masa beberapa bulan sahaja pembinaannya, rumah-rumah kini kelihatan hampir siap. Proses yang kebiasaannya mengambil masa sekitar 2 tahun kini dipercepatkan agar boleh diduduki sepenuhnya.

Selain bentuk rumah yang lebih selesa dan teratur, lokasi yang lebih selamat juga disediakan bagi melindungi rakyat daripada menghadapi musibah yang sama berulang. Bagi sesetengah tempat, tapak rumah yang sedia ada dibangunkan dengan bentuk rumah yang lebih kukuh dan tinggi daripada struktur rumah yang lama.

Tidak ada kepimpinan mana-mana negara maju di dunia pun yang sanggup menyediakan semua bantuan seperti ini tanpa perlindungan insuran atau kepentingan yang menguntungkan segelintir pihak. Kerajaan kita melakukan semuanya tanpa mengira perbezaaan ideologi politik atau latar belakang kaum mangsa yang terlibat.


1) Perkembangan Pembinaan Rumah Mangsa Banjir di Pahang ( sumber : JKR Pahang)

2) Perkembangan Projek Rumah Mangsa Banjir Terkini di Kelantan (Sumber Gambar : JKR Negeri Kelantan)

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


“The issue of Kidex (Kinrara-Damansara Expressway) had dragged on for such a long time and I am glad that I was able to make a decision within a short period to cancel the project after listening to the views of parties involved.”

Seriously, YAB Mentri Besar? Did you REALLY listen to the views of the parties involved?

Do you know that Kidex supporters, the Friends of Kidex group, representing 18 NGOs and resident groups in Petaling Jaya, made a courtesy call on you to hand over a memorandum of support for the highway?

And despite your office confirming the date of 9 February 2015 to hand over the memo to the MB, you did not appear to receive it personally and left the task to your Pol Sec.

However, you were kind enough to personally meet the detractors group, the Say No To Kidex group, on 18 November 2014 to personally hand over their memo of protest to you. So did you listen to the voice of the residents?

The residents who are pressed by the daily jams in their area, especially along the PJ South area, when going to the market in the morning or fetching the kids from school is a daily struggle due to the massive traffic jams. We have read the number of newspaper reports and watched tv interviews from these residents. Did you listen to them?

Have you tried driving in these areas during peak period in Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 to clear the traffic?

Try taking a drive in the PJ CBD, try driving through Jalan Semangat during peak hours. It is almost like a car park in the middle of the road.

And this horrendous traffic situation is happening even before massive projects like PJ Sentral, the Pinnacle and the Icon are even ready.

How are you going to disperse the traffic then? Have you listened to all sides? And not just one side?

Surprisingly on 10 Feb 2015, this Friends of Kidex group received a letter from Department of Town and Country Planning Selangor (JPBD) informing receipt of a total of 899 forms (Borang Representasi Laporan Tinjauan Kajian Rancangan Struktur Negeri Selangor) showing support for KIDEX and 4,647 petitions of support for KIDEX from residents of Selangor.

This is in contrast to the 1,000 borang from the Say No To Kidex group sent to JPBD. In the letter, JPBD was providing the opportunity to the Friends of Kidex group to air their feedback in a meeting set for 10 March 2015.

Of course, the meeting for Friends of Kidex to air their feedback was called off as the MB had announced the cancellation of Kidex on February 16.

And how can the MB said he listened to the views of the parties involved when the group opposing the highway organized a rally on 25 January and this was attended by only 400 people, as reported by the Malay Mail.

Do 400 people opposing two highways – DASH and KIdex – represent the majority of the residents? We think not. If we were to divide the number equally, this will mean that only 200 were against each highway and bothered to state their views by attending the rally.

 “The credibility and ability of a leader is measured by his ability and guts to make decisions.

“A leader cannot be measured based on his inability to make decisions and tendency to take the safe path,” he said.

“Azmin reiterated that the state government was firm in taking the decision to cancel the project.

“The Bukit Antarabangsa assemblyman said the decision was reached after taking into consideration the views and objections from the public and residents affected by Kidex.”

But we were informed YAB that you cancelled Kidex because it did not meet the 3 conditions stipulated by the State government.

What were the three 3 conditions? To disclose the Traffic Impact Assessment, the Preliminary Environment Impact Assessment, the Economic Impact Assessment and Benefit Analysis Reports, as well as the list of Kidex’s board of directors and the Concession Agreement.

We have verified these with the relevant bodies including the statement by the YB Minister of Works himself that all these documents have been handed to MTES on 26 January 2015 by the MHA, with the exception of the toll rates and the IRR – the Internal Rate of Return that were held back the AG.

“Earlier today, Abdul Rani had inquired on the terms of the Kidex concession agreement and queried if the cancellation would risk legal action being taken against the state government and its ability to defend the people’s rights in the issue.

“For your information, the state government is in a strong position from a legal point of view by making use of the provision under Section 18 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1976 (Act 172) whereby any land or building must conform with the local plan.

“The state government had also decided not to include Kidex in the Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) local plan and has instructed for it to be excluded from the structural planning which is being drafted.

“This clearly shows that Kidex will not be considered and had been cancelled by the state government,” said Azmin.

If that is the case, why was the KIDEX alignment incorporated into the Draft Selangor Structure Plan 2035 in December 2014?